Oral Health
Oral health is very important for everyone but especially for children. There has been an increase in decay in younger children’s teeth due to not brushing their teeth twice a day, having a high daily sugar intake and not having regular checks with a dentist (these should take place every 6 months).
At Beaconsfield we have annual visits from a dentist and an oral health educator who visit different key stages to remind our pupils of the importance of brushing their teeth twice a day and to explain the effects that sugary foods such as sweets and fizzy drinks have on their teeth.
Parents and carers are also invited to take part in our annual workshops to find out more about how they can ensure children develop good oral health routines from an early age.
Below you can read some important information from the Oral Hygiene Team within Ealing about these issues:
Please click here to read the key oral health messages about keeping children’s teeth healthy.
Please click here to see how much sugar is within common soft drinks such as Coca Cola, Lucozade and Ribena.
Please click here to see what you can do at home to prevent teeth decay in children aged 3- 6 years old.
There are different types of treatment which may be suggested by your child's dentist to help with preventing teeth decay at a young age. Further information about these can be found in the links below:
Fluoride Varnish for healthy teeth click here
Silver Diamine Fluoride click here
Molar Incisor Hypomineralisation click here
Fissure sealant click here
Oral Health in Ealing Newsletter click here